

Holiday & Christmas Wreath Fundraising for Nonprofits

Seeking creative, successful fundraising ideas for your nonprofit organization? Each year, thousands of groups nationwide—including the Knights of Columbus, Elks Clubs, and Rotary Clubs—use Mickman’s Christmas wreath fundraiser to finance their activities and initiatives.

With Mickman Brothers’ “Guaranteed to Succeed Fundraiser”, you get the power of two programs:

You choose the best option for your organization and community, or use both! Our passionate team will be there to provide support and guidance at every step of your fundraising journey.

Nonprofit Group Fundraising Success Story

“Our Organization, the Knights of Columbus Father McRedmond Council #3175, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, is always looking for fun and enjoyable fundraisers in order to support the many various charities and events that we do each year. Last year, after looking and talking with many of the companies that have various Christmas wreath type fundraisers, we chose to go with Mickman Brothers because of their complete package gift program.

The Mickman staff was more than helpful with any questions, and they provided everything needed to run the program successfully. With their gift program, all the items were shipped directly to our customers or to the person they purchased an item for. The items were all delivered without error and were of excellent quality and value for the money. All our customers were extremely satisfied with their purchases.

This program ties in nicely with our National Keep Christ in Christmas program by sending Religious Christmas Cards. One table in the vestibule of the Church handled both programs nicely.  We also did a program where our parishioners could buy a wreath for Our Church St. Mary’s in Memory or in Honor of Loved Ones, and we were able to beautifully decorate our Church for Christmas at no expense to the Church. We strongly recommend this fundraiser to all Knights of Columbus organizations throughout the country.”




See what other satisfied, successful customers are saying about the Mickman fundraiser on our testimonials page.

Tips and Ideas for a Successful Nonprofit Fundraiser

Choose a Fundraiser with a Variety of Products

Need a creative fundraising idea for nonprofits? We have five different product lines, which means more choices for your customers. The fact that we offer more choices means you can reach a larger number of customers, thus increasing the amount of funds you can earn.

Use Safe and Reliable Packaging

It may not seem important, but packaging can help you sell a product again next year. You don’t want the packaging or how the items arrive to be hard for either your group or your customers. Our innovative cartons makes sure wreaths are never crushed or damaged.


Utilize Nonprofit Fundraising Sales Aids

Does the company whose product you are selling offer any helpful brochures? These materials can be a great way to sell the items because they are professional developed and allow you to showcase the product(s). Professional photos are essential when it comes to selling! At Mickman Brothers, we offer FREE sales aids as well as online tools to assist the fundraising leader in your Christmas fundraiser efforts.


Christmas is a Time of Giving

We know that Christmas is a time of giving and this is one of the many reasons why Christmas wreaths make the best fundraising items. Christmas décor is usually left up for anywhere from 3-10 weeks, thus making a Christmas wreath a good investment and easier to sell.


Conservation & Reforestation Efforts

When we harvest evergreen boughs, we select only the newest growths of each tree and carefully clip just the ends of the branches. This allows the branch to regenerate new growth from which we can harvest again in 4-5 years. These sustainable harvesting techniques ensure that the forests from which the boughs are harvested remain healthy for generations to come.

Years ago, we also recognized that these forests provided our company and customers with a valuable resource. In 2007, John and Chris Mickman made a commitment to fund the planting of an evergreen tree for each GiftItForward we sold. To date, Mickman Brothers has funded the planting of over 800,000 tree seedlings in 49 States.

When you choose Mickman Brothers for your Christmas wreath fundraiser, not only are you choosing a program that will “maximize your earnings while minimizing your effort”—you are also supporting a program to assist in reforesting our country!

Ready to get your nonprofit group started on their holiday fundraiser? Contact us today to learn more!

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See what customers say about our Fundraisers.

more testimonials

Our troop has been raising money for a large trip. This fundraiser is great because people like to buy something they can use. This was our second year and the girls found they had easy sales from repeat customers then could work to get new customers. We had less girls in the troop selling but still raised the same as last …

– Heatherlyn, Troop 7176

SUMMER FUN in San Diego and CHRISTMAS WREATHS wouldn’t normally be found in the same paragraph, but our experience fundraising with Mickman’s Wreaths has made it happen.

This was our FIRST YEAR selling Christmas wreaths for our boy scout troop in Arizona. We wanted to pick a reputable company that would maximize money co…

– Laurie L., AZ Grand Canyon Council Boy Scout Troop 88

The George Ranch High School Theatre Booster club participated in the Mickman Brothers wreath fundraiser for the first time last winter. Our theatre group is small but mighty! In its short four year existence our talented kids have been honored with numerous acting awards from the Houston theatre community, the University I…

– Jennifer May, President George Ranch H.S. Theater Boosters. Richmond, VA

Mickman Brothers helped our Scout Pack enjoy a 4 day 3 night camp trip to Cub World this year. I would also like to report that with the help of Mickman Brothers Fundraiser we were able to send 24 boys to camp this summer.

We have never tried to sell anything other than popcorn in the past to help support the pack and wo…

– Tiffany S., Cub Scout Pack 186